School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00

October 18, 2011 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)
1. Attendance

Minutes: Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3; Frank Farrell, District 4 and Lisa Graham, District 5.  Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes - Student Disciplinary Hearings and Regular Meeting on September 15, 2011
Attachment: DisciplinaryHearings - 09-15-11.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: SBMtg Minutes - 09-15-11.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2011-2012
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup October 18, 2011.pdf
Human Resources

4. C-4 Amendment to the 2010-2011 Salary Schedule, Section II - Community Education (Fee-Based Salaries)
Attachment: CERT - Comm Ed Fee-Based Salaries REVISION 10-18-11.pdf

5. C-5 Young Rembrandts Contract
Attachment: Young Rebrants.pdf
6. C-6 Grant(s) Approval
Attachment: floridainternational.pdf
7. C-7 Overnight Travel
8. C-8 School Improvement Plans - 2011-2012
9. C-9 District Improvement and Assistance Plan
Attachment: District Improvement Plan - 2011-2012.pdf
10. C-10 Clay Virtual Academy Staff Cellular Service
11. C-11 Co-Enrollee list for September 2011
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for September 2011.pdf (Confidential Item)
12. C-12 Student Travel
Attachment: Student Travel-October, 2011.pdf
13. C-14 Title I School Improvement Grant 1003a 2011-2012
Attachment: 2011-2012 School Improvement Project Application.pdf
14. C-15 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
15. C-16 Resolution endorsing Red Ribbon Week, October 24-28, 2011
Attachment: Red Ribbon Week.pdf
16. C-17 Interagency Agreement for Cost Sharing Expenses between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center
Attachment: CBHC PECO.pdf
Business Affairs

17. C-18 Orange Park High School to obtain a Certificate of Insurance for Fireworks at the Raider Roar on Thursday, October 20, 2011
Attachment: OPHOMECOMING 11-20111003130326751.pdf
18. C-19 Bid Renewals October 2011
19. C-20 Bid to Be Awarded October 2011
20. C-21 Aetna Billing and Collection Agreement and Aon’s Key Gap Plan Commission Rate
Attachment: 10_18_2011 Aetna Billing Collection Agreement & Aon Key Gap Plan Commission Rate.pdf
21. C-22 Monthly Property Report - September, 2011 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-September, 11.pdf
22. C-23 Monthly Property Report - September, 2011 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-September, 11.pdf
23. C-24 Monthly Property Report - September, 2011 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-September, 11.pdf
24. C-25 Monthly Property Report - September, 2011 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-September, 11.pdf
25. C-26 Deletion of Certain Items Report - October, 2011
Attachment: Deletion Report-October, 11.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report-(Attachments), October, 11.pdf
26. C-27 Warrants & Vouchers for September, 2011
Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers Sept, 2011.pdf
27. C-29 Petty Cash Funds for 2011-2012 Fiscal Year for SEDNET Department
28. C-30 Write off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check
29. C-31 Budget Amendments for the Month of September 2011
Attachment: budget cover sheet_impact stmt_.pdf
Attachment: Budget Amendments.pdf
30. C-32 Advertise Amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-5.02 General Policies
Attachment: CCSB Policy Amend - 5.02 GeneralPolicies.pdf
Support Services

31. C-33 Substantial and Final Completion of Middleburg High School Lighting and Ceiling Replacement (Phase II)
Attachment: MBHS Lighting & Ceiling Replacement Substantial & Final.pdf
32. C-34 Additive Change Order #5 for Middleburg Elementary School Building 1 Remodel
Attachment: MBE Building 1 Remodel CO 5.pdf
33. C-35 Final Completion of Lake Asbury Elementary School Panelboard/Switch Gear Replacement Buildings 1 – 3 & 20
Attachment: Final compl LAE panelboards.pdf
34. C-36 Final Completion of Keystone Heights High School Panelboard Replacement/Switch Gear Buildings 1 – 3 and Portables
Attachment: Final compl KHH Panelboards.pdf
35. C-37 Substantial and Final Completion of Keystone Elementary School Lighting and Ceiling Replacement Building 2
Attachment: Sub Compl KHE Lighting.pdf
Attachment: Final Compl KHE Lighting.pdf
36. C-38 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 10,18,11.pdf
37. C-39 Additive Change Order #5 for Middleburg High School Lighting and Ceiling Replacement (Phase II)
Attachment: MBHS Lighting & Ceiling Replacement CO #5.pdf
38. C-40 Orange Park High School West Campus Renovation/Remodel Contract Award
Attachment: OPHS West Campus Renovation.Remodel Contract Award.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
39. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items

Approve the Consent Items as submitted, with the exception of C-3, C-13 and C-28 which were moved to Discussion.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
40. Florida Power Library Schools - Clay High and Tynes Elementary


In 2011, only 8 schools have been identified as Florida Power Library Schools, 2 of them are from Clay County.   The following schools were presented certificates recognizing them as Florida Power Library Schools:  Clay High - Pete McCabe, Principal, Jenny Eason and Kathie Langevin, Media Specialists, and Tynes Elementary School - Jenny Newhall, Principal, and Courtney Roberts, Media Specialist.

41. Jim Harbin Media Festival Award Finalists - Coppergate Elementary, Clay Hill Elementary, OakLeaf Junior High and Middleburg High


Kelly Robertson, former Media Specialist at Clay Hill Elementary, and students Ezabelle Stoehr and Tracy Wamsley were honored for receiving 3rd Place - Grades 6-8 for the Book Trailer, The Old Willis Place.  Kelly Robertson and students Paige Agnew and Cody Evans earned 2nd place at the state level for the Public Service Announcement, Recycling Rocks.

Kim Miskowski, Media Specialist at Coppergate Elementary, and students Regan Cotton, Cortnie Frazier, Emily Holt, Leica Levo, Rebecca Nagy, Anna Nesi, Michelle Sailors, Natalie Stewart and Chayce Suder were recognized for earning 2nd place - grades 6-8, for the instructional video, Science Rules! How to Use the Scientific Method!

Kim Miskowski and top winner Timothy Conroy received 2 awards.  First for winning 1st place at state for grades 3-5 documentary, The Seven Tenants of Tang Soo Do and second for the same video earning the Excellence in Media Production for grades 4-5 Live Action at the 2011 International Student Media Festival.

Scheduled Citizen Requests (None)
42. Rev. William Randall - MLK Day in Clay

Minutes: Rev. Randall presented a plan to establish an "MLK Day in Clay".  He requested that the School Board have a look at the plan and possible endorsement for a national day of service in honor of Dr. King, along with the establishment of an MLK Anti-Bullying program in the school district.

Discussion Agenda
Human Resources

43. C-3 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 10-18-11.pdf


Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda as presented.

Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Janice Kerekes
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye

44. Human Resources - Special Action "A"
Attachment: HR Special Action A 10-18-11.pdf (Confidential Item)


Approve the action as presented.

Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr.
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye


45. C-13 (Graham) Department of Defense Education Activity Grant
Attachment: DoDEA Grant.pdf

Lisa Graham shared information about the Department of Defense Grant. that will benefit 11 schools in our district in the area of science.  The grant will generate over $2 million and will benefit 11 schools in our district in the area of science.  Many thanks to Donna Wethington and Kathy Schofield.

Receive for information the Department of Defense Education Activity Grant.  -
Vote Results

Business Affairs

46. C-28 (Farrell) Internal Funds Audits for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year
Attachment: ACE-FIHS FY11.pdf
Attachment: GCSJH-MBE FY11.pdf
Attachment: MHS-POE FY11.pdf
Attachment: ROE -WJH FY11.pdf
Minutes: At the request of Mr. Farrell, Board Chairman, Dr. Copeland gave a brief explanation of our internal accounts.  Internal accounts are different from budgeted accounts, and are audited annually by 8-10 independent CPA firms.  The books are collected from the school after year-end and a report is written and submitted to the Board.

Approval of the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year Internal Funds Audits, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Janice Kerekes
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye

47. Monthly Financial Report for September, 2011
Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash-Sept,2011.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN Sept, 2011-GREV.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN Sept,2011-GREXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FIN Sept, 2011-DSREVEXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects Sept,2011.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project Sept 2011 Final.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FIN Sept, 2011-FOOD SERVICE.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN Sept, 2011-SPREV42X.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN Sept,2011- ARRA-SPREV43X.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 10 MONTHLY FIN Sept, 2011-INSURANCE.pdf

Dr. Copeland reported that our funds are sufficient to meet our present obligations.  It was explained that Capital Outlay funds have been transferred to the general fund in the past because the Legislature allows it. In past years, Support Services has transferred $600,000 to the general fund, presently it has been dropped to $300,000.  These funds are distributed to each school for the purchase of equipment for classrooms, to pay for property and casualty insurance, and for maintenance work.  Through work orders, maintenance personnel are sent to schools to work on capital projects.

Mr. Connell expressed his concern that this is year 2 of zero PECO funds.  There will be only $2.1 million for the capital outlay plan next year. 

Approve monthly financial report for September, 2011, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Janice Kerekes
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye

Support Services

48. Public Hearing and Approval of Resolution Adopting Redistricting Map and Providing Boundary Descriptions of each District
Attachment: Resolution School Board Member Districts.pdf
Attachment: SB Members Redistricting Plan.pdf
Attachment: At Bndry SB Member Districts (2) Plan 1_101811.pdf

Speakers:  Steve Richards and Sandra Goldman both spoke on behalf of Plan 1 and Fleming Island remaining a whole community.



Adopt the Resolution of District Realignment including advertisement, recording and submission requirements according to Florida Statutes.  Maps and descriptions of the proposed School Board Member Districts are available on the School District’s web site.

Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Janice Kerekes
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
49. Speakers


1. Liz Crane spoke on Instructional Materials.  2. Ben Ruffner spoke on Prayer at the Flagpole.  3.  Ben Harrell spoke on Prayer at the Flagpole at Clay Hill.

Superintendent Requests


The Superintendent reminded everyone about the Health Fair on Friday, October 21st and encouraged everyone to attend.  He also gave a brief update on student enrollment.  Even with 152 students in Clay Virtual Academy we are still 75 students less than last year at this time.

The Superintendent addressed the complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation and provided an update to the audience.  All legal rulings will be reviewed, and what is legal and right will be done.


School Board's Requests


Ms. Graham reported that she had attended the Ag Advisory Committee meeting and was concerned regarding the number of slots for students livestock entries at the Clay County Fair next year.

Superintendent Wortham advised that he had been in contact with the Fair Board and they assured him the slots for the students' entries will be available.

Mr. Van Zant gave an update on the Legislative priorities.

Attorney's Requests (None)
Adjournment (8:45 p.m.)

